What is WLSDM?
WLSDM is a WebLogic console extension that enables monitoring for WebLogic MBean metrics. It is very easy to create alarms and notifications by using WLSDM metric browser.
WLSDM can store any WebLogic metric values historically and also can generate graphical reports.
Is WLSDM open source?
No, WLSDM is not opern source but WLSDM
Users can suggest feature from WLSDM community (community.wlsdm.com)or contact us. WLSDM licences is free(30 days) or get support with WLSDM production.
Free version is available with full feature for 30 days.After 30 days over, get production version or request new trial version..by using WLSDM:
You are able to see and understand what is happening inside your WebLogic domain.
"WLSDM for WebLogic" console extension is the best way to reflect your WebLogic knowledge
to the mission-critical WebLogic domains. You can monitor WebLogic states, health status and
back-end activities (SQL, EJB, JAXWS...) easily and really fast. WLSDM never creates additional
load on your JVM instances. WLSDM reads the WebLogic domain and recommends important metrics to monitor
then you can visualize and create custom alarms for your WebLogic domains. Move forward with your service and WebLogic administration quality!